National Festivals & Fairs
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14- Patron Saint Festival in Puerto Limón.
25- Patron Saint Festival of Buena Vista.
31- San Juan Bosco Festival.

2- Patron Saint Festival of the Virgen de la Candelaria, Salud.
2- Festival of the Virgen de la Candelaria Ciricito.
11- Festival of the Virgen de Lourdes en Gobea.
25- Ash Wednesday.
27- Foundation of Colón City.

8- Patron Saint Festival of San Juan de Dios, Nueva Providencia.
20- Foundation of Portobelo.
20- Patron Saint of San Felipe.
27- Foundation of Donoso.
25-31 Colón National Fair.

27- Patron Saint of Nombre de Dios (Costa Arriba).

15- Patron Saint Festival of San Isidro, Piña (Costa Abajo).
16- Patron Saint Festival of Cativa.
22- Patron Saint Festival of Santa Rita de Casia, Limón.
24- Patron Saint Festival of Santa Rita, Sabanitas.

13- Patron Saint Festival of Puerto Lindo, Portobelo.
20- Patron Saint Festival of Palenque (Costa Arriba).
21- San Luis, Chiquita Beach, Santa Isabel District.
24- Patron Saint Festival of Palmas Bellas (Costa Abajo) Chagres.
24- Patron Saint Festival of Palmira (Costa Arriba).

7- Patron Saint of Santa Isabel.
16- Patron Saint Festival of Miguel de la Borda, Donoso District.  
16- Patron Saint Festival of the Virgen del Carmen Escobal (Gatún Lake).
16- Patron Saint Festival of the Virgen del Carmen (Grande Island).
24- Patron Saint Festival of Indio River, Donoso (Costa Abajo).
24- Patron Saint Festival of Nuevo San Juan, (Transístmica).
27- Patron Saint Festival of Cacique, Portobelo (Costa Arriba).
31- Patron Saint Festival of Viento Frio (Costa Arriba).

10- Patron Saint Festival of San Lorenzo, Chagres.
16- Patron Saint Festival of San Roque, Miramar (Costa Arriba).
22- Virgen Mary, La Guaira, Portobelo (Costa Arriba).
30- Santa Rosa de Lima, Coclé del Norte (Costa Abajo).

8- La Mama Festival, Palenque.
8- Patron Saint Festival of Coclesito.
13- Dulce Nombre de Maria, Maria Chiquita.
24- The Mercedes de Rio Indio.
30- Patron Saint of Santa Rosa.

1- Foundation of Chagres (Costa Abajo).
4- Patron Saint Festival of Belen, Donoso (Costa Abajo).
7- Patron Saint Festival of Guasito.
16- Patron Saint Festival of Nvo. Colón, Santa Eduviges.
21- Festival of the Milagroso Cristo Negro, Portobelo.
27- Day of the Student.
28- Day of San Judas Tadeo.

1- Day of the Child.
2- Day of the Dead.
5- Colón Independence Movement.

2- Patron Saint Festival of Cuango, Santa Isabel.
24- Christmas Eve of the birth of Jesus.
25- Christmas, birth of Jesus Christ (National Holiday).

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