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Panama has turned into one of the most important of the American continent in hosting International Events and Congresses. Panama is home to over hundreds of these events and congresses each year. A modern infrastructure includes excellent hotels, restaurants, communications together to wide and comfortable Convention Centers like ATLAPA, multiple Halls for conferences equipped with all the modern technology: services of high ranking categories; hygiene; adecuate security and peacefulness in the country; efficient air transportation from any part of the world; and the smile and bondness of a generous and hospitable people makes this country an ideal place for meetings of Congressional representatives.

PanamaTopTravel invites you to participate in these events, congresses and fairs and will help you organize your trip, develop your agenda and carry out multiple activities during your stay in this fascinating country.

To all participants of events and Congresses PanamaTopTravel offers you a significant discount on the prices of lodging and other services.


One of the main attractions in Panama are the popular festivals, in representation of its traditions and roots, where folklore and the most delicious Creole food is served. It is also reflected in live carnavals, religious and historic dates, national festivals where the people dress in gala filling the streets with joy. You can enjoy incredible parades, dances, artificial fire works and lots of fun that attracts Panamanians and visitors.

Each year in Panama a number of important National Fairs are carried out which are important for the economic, commercial, technological and productive life of the country with international relevance for investors, producers, business executives in America and the World. More ...

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