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Los Santos


1- Foundation of Tonosí District.
1- Antechamber of Tableño Carnaval in Las Tablas.
3-8  Drama of the Three Wise Men in the Macaracas District.
6- Day of the Three Wise Men in La Laja, in Las Tablas, Los Asientos, Pedasi District.
17- San Antonio de Abad Festival in Perales, Guararé District.
21- Foundation of Guararé District.
31- Don Bosco Religious Festival, in Enea and Llano Abajo, Guararé District.

2- Virgen of Candelaria Patron Saint Festival in Las Trancas, Guararé District.
2- La Candelaria Patron Saint Festival in Pocrí District.
2- La Candelaria Patron Saint Festival in Tonosí District.
11- Virgen of Lourdes Patron Saint Festival in El Macano, Guararé District.
11- Virgen of Lourdes Patron Saint Festival in Las Guabas, Villa Lourdes, Villa los Santos District.

8- San Juan de Dios Religious Festival in Villa Los Santos and Macaracas.
8- San Juan de Dios Religious Festival in La Palma, Las Tablas District.
19- San Jose Patron Saint Festival, Las Tablas District.
19- San Jose Patron Saint Festival in Montero, Pasera, Guararé District.
19- San Jose Patron Saint Festival in Guararé Arriba in Guararé District.
19- San Jose Patron Saint Festival in Cañas, Tonosí district.
19- San Jose Patron Saint Festival in Las Tablas District.

2-11 Easter Week in La Villa of Los Santos, Guararé, Las Tablas, Macaracas.
Azuero International Fair.

3- Day of the Cross in La Villa de Los Santos.
3- Day of the Cross in Pasera, Guararé District.
3- Day of the Cross in Las Cruces, Villa de los Santos District.
15- San Isidro Patron Saint  Festival in Los Higos, Macaracas.
15- San Isidro Patron Saint Festival, Paraíso, Podrí District.
22- Santa Rita Patron Saint Festival, La Villa de los Santos District.
22- Santa Rica Los Angeles de Botella Patron Saint Festival.

10- Corpus Christi, in Villa de Los Santos.
13- San Antonio Padua Festival in Peña Blanca, Las Tablas District.
13- San Antonio Padua Festival in Sabana Grande.
13- San Antonio de Padua Festival in Paritilla, Pedasí District.
13- San Antonio de Padua Festival in Lajamina, Podrí District.
13- San Antonio de Padua Festival in Rio Hondo, Las Tablas District.
24- San Juan Festival in Santo Domingo, Las Tablas District.
30- San Pablo Festival in El Cocal, Las Tablas District. 

16- Virgen of Carmen Festivals in Macaracas District.
16- Virgen of Carmen Festivals in La Enea, Guararé District, “Water Procession”.
16- Virgen of Carmen Festivals in Tres Quebrada, La Villa de Los Santos District.
20- Santa Librada Patron Saint Festival in Las Tablas District.
22- La Pollera National Festival in Las Tablas District.

4- Santo Domingo Patron Saint Festival in Santo Domingo, Las Tablas District.
10- San Lorenzo Patron Saint Festival in Agua Buena, La Villa de los Santos District.
15- Asunción de Maria in Guásimo, La Villa de Los Santos District.
16- San Roque Patron Saint Festival in Tonosí district.
20- San Bernardo Patron Saint Festival in Palma, Las Tablas District.
30- Santa Rosa Patron Saint Festival in Llano de Piedra, Macaracas District.
30- Santa Rosa Patron Saint Festival in Paritilla, Pedasí District.
30- Santa Rosa Patron Saint Festival in Valle Riquito, Las Tablas district.

12- Foundation of the Macaracas District.
22- Santo Tomas de Villa Nueva Patron Saint Festival in Pedasí District.
24- Virgen of Las Mercedes Patron Saint Festival in Guararé District.
23 to 29- Mejorana National Festival (Parade).

7- Virgen del Rosario Patron Saint Festival, in Espinal, Guararé District.
7- Foundation of La Palma, Las Tablas District.

1- Foundation of the La Villa de los Santos District.
1- Day of the Child.
2- Day of the Dead.
3- Campesino Week, in Llano Piedra.
8- Cry of Insurrection according to the tradition of the Las Tablas District.
10- First Cry of Independence in La Villa de los Santos.
12- Seperatist Movement, Podrí District.
25- Santa Catalina Patron Saint Festival in Pedasí District.
30- San Andres Patron Saint Festival in Las Guabas, La Villa de los Santos District.

12- Virgen of Guadalupe Patron Saint Festival in Espigadilla, La Villa de los Santos District.
13- Santa Lucia Patron Saint Festival in Mariabé, Pedasí District.
22-25  Agua Buena Patron Saint Festival in La Villa de los Santos District.
25- Baby Jesús of Prague Patron Saint Festival in Guararé District.

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