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Authorized Documents for Marriage

To get married in Panama, you must comply with certain legal regulations that cannot be ignored. The couple must hand over certain documents in the Marriage Court of the city of region where you will get married and a date will be given to you. These documents must be presented two or three days before the date of the marriage.

Among the main documents that must be presented by the couple are the following:

  1. Birth certificate and ID that proves that you are not married. Both documents must be authentic by the Panamanian consulate in the country of birth. These must be presented to the Foreign Ministry’s Legalizations and Authencity Department to be legalized. This process will take a couple of hours.
  2. Medical Certificate of the Couple: Includes medical exam, HIV, urine, blood and VDRL tests. These must be issued by a Panamanian doctor within 15 working days before the date of the marriage.
  3. Valid Passport or Migration Card, if you have remained in the country for over 30 days.
  4. Names, ID number and address of the couple that will be the marriage witnesses. The witnesses should not be family members.

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