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Officials Authorized to Exercise Marriage

There are several authorities in Panama that are able to carry out marriages, according to the law, among them:

  • Civil Municipal Judge and Family.
  • Public Notaries.
  • Religious, parochial Ministers, Bishops related with the Catholic Church; and authorized officials of other beliefs: jews, islam, protestants, budists among others that have legal authority in the Republic of Panama, in compliace with what is established in Article 27 of the Family Code.
  • There are also Consular Agents for Panamanians that desire to get married abroad.
In special marriages competent people authorized by law to carry out a marriage. All authorized personnel cannot carry out their own marriage or those related to family memebers within the fourth grade of kinship or adoption and second grade affinity.

When the official is unfit, another official of the same jurisdiction authorized by the article will do so.

The Panamanians that have married abroad, can validate their marriage in the Civil Registry of the Republic of Panama through an attorney with the authentic marriage certificate or legalized in the country where the marriage was held and other documents.
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