With an exuberant nature, Nicaragua is located in the heart of Central America between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, with Honduras to the north and Costa Rica to the south. Nicaragua is the Central American nation with the largest extension and is divided into three geographic regions: the Pacific low lands in the west, the central mountainous region and the Atlantic low lands in the east.
Nicaragua is the ideal destination for those that really want something different.
In a small geographic space, the country holds a wide variety of ecosystems, from the plains of the Pacific, with the impressive Maribios volcanoes range, to the tropical jungles in the Atlantic region.
This country has dozens of spectacular volcanoes, enormous lakes, hot valleys, colonial towns, archaeological treasures and wonderful natural diversity.
Managua, the capital of the country since 1857, is located in the southern shore of the huge Managua Lake. It was originally an indigenous fishing population in the time of the Spanish conquest. Due to the earthquakes in 1931 and 1972, the center of the city was re-located further out for more security. Of the old building that is still conserved can be appreciated in the National Culture Palace, the old Cathedral, today considered National Monument. You can also visit Nicaragua´s National Museum, Ruben Dario´s Birth place, the National Theater; in addition to shopping in the city and enjoy a great meal, lodge in one of its hotels or enjoy an exciting night life. A visitor can see the National Park of the Masaya Volcano close to Mana gua. Located in the park there is a small museum dedicated to the geological and cultural history of the volcano with exhibitions of the flora and fauna. Another option is also the Laguna Xiloá located in the road towards León and Granada. León was founded in 1524 its a colonial town with narrow streets, churches, adobe homes and old buildings decorated with lions that gives the city its name.
In the right hand side of the old cathedral’s alter are the remains of poet Rubén Darío. Granada was during centuries the main commercial center in the country and maintains its reputation as a literary city. The city conserves the building’s colonial enchantment and baroque and renaissance churches.
Along the Pacific Coast there is a chain of fantastic beaches. Towards kilometre 60 of the south road close to Managua, a visitor can enjoy the Montelimar beach, with a five star resort, do surfing, visit a mini-zoo or enjoy its casino.
The Pochomil Beach is just one hour away from the capital; all along this beauty you can find private recreational homes, small hotels, seafood restaurants, bars and a picnic area. Towards the south you can fine the nice San Juan del Sur, where you can navigate, dive or sail.
One of the most beautiful experiences of meeting nature in the keys is the 365 small islands formed from volcanic activity. Engraved rocks by the ancient Chorotega tribe have been found in the largest island of Ometepe; the San Pedro Island has a small Spanish fortress; the Zap tera and the Muerto Islands pre-Colombian artefacts have been discovered. The groups of Solentiname Islands, south of Nicaragua are known for its famous paintings and local artisans.
Bluefields is located in the Atlantic coast and it’s an important commercial port with a tradition of pirate attacks. It is inhabited by people of various origins with some attractions and is a route towards the islands of the Atlantic Coast. In this region, the Islas del Maiz, Isla de Maiz Grande and Isla de Maiz Pequeñna, located some 69 km from the coast of Bluefields offers white sandy beaches and world level diving. |